Applying for a Place at our School
To join our school, your child doesn’t need to have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in place. However, learners who are identified as having additional needs and who have an EHCP will be prioritised. Learners who are identified as having additional needs but do not yet have an EHCP, will need to undergo the Education, Health and Care Assessment Request (ECHAR) process. If capacity allows, Break Through School may support local authorities, families, and learners in gaining an EHCP by offering a short-term placement whilst all assessments are completed. If, following assessment, a learner is given an EHCP, admission will be considered to Break Through School in line with our Admissions Policy.
We have a formal admissions procedure which is outlined in our Admissions Policy and which ensures we are able to meet a learner’s needs.
Our school works with learners aged between 11 and 16 who have special educational needs mainly within the areas of Social and Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) and communication difficulties However, we can also support learners with a wide range of needs falling within the broad categories of Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Physical and Sensory and SEMH.
Learners can join our school at any time during the school year and will follow a personalised curriculum package to meet their individual needs.
Our caring and committed staff team will spend time getting to know you and your child during a carefully planned transition, to ensure they feel safe, settled, secure, and ready to learn.
Book a personalised tour of our school using our Book a Visit button. Or, alternatively, contact your current provision or Local Authority SEND Co-ordinator for more information about joining our unique and special school.
Learner Case Studies
We love to celebrate our learners’ successes and achievements! We are proud to share with you some of the stories of how the school and our incredible team have supported learners to fulfil their potential.
Learner A
Learner A is a current Yr 11 who identifies as mis-gendered and uses a male pronoun. This contrasts with parental perspective, who don’t acknowledge this position.
Learner Ahas been at Break Through School since Oct 2019, one of our longest serving members. Throughout this time, they have presented with severe anxiety, low mood and difficulties in securing relations with staff and peers, often taking offence to minor misdemeanours and harbouring grudges for months, if not, years.
Learner A has unique and fixated interest that other Young People struggle to relate to. Furthermore, any changes to our set up, such as group and staff movements has a profound negative effect on Learner A, resulting in reduced interaction, selective mutism and extended low mood.
Throughout KS4, Learner A has struggled to engage in Maths, citing this is as a subject they cannot cope with and has been resistant to the strategies put in place. Charlotte, our Maths teacher in 2022-23 has been firm but fair and consistent. This consistency has had a positive impact and X has made the most significant progress of the year = 94.8% improvement. Learner A recently achieved 84% in Entry Level 3 maths paper and is on track to move to Level 1 in Summer 1.
Learner A has been surprised and reassured when presented with this data. Learner A responded positively to clear evidence of progression in data form, as they find praise ambiguous and uncertain.
Learner B
Learner B joined us in Oct 2022 as a severe school refuser with 0% attendance in Year 9, referred by her mainstream school for a short-term placement. Initially, Learner B presented as a challenging Young Person to engage with and made firm statements around ‘hating school, not trusting staff or Young Person, being tortured by staff’ etc.
Learner B was attached to a member of staff, but slowly it became evident she was bonding more with a part-time staff member. This relationship was fostered further and staff member became permanent in Jan 23. Learner B was encouraged to build positive relations with other staff members with the support of QO.
As her placement came to an end, we had a transition meeting where it became evident that the school had failed to make the EHCP application required. Break Through School took the opportunity to offer support with this and it was agreed that Learner B’s placement would be long term, taking into account her needs not being met (either at school or remotely) and Learner B’s voice was heard and very clearly stated she felt traumatised by her experience at mainstream.
CAMHS involvement supported the significant progress Learner B was making at Break Through School and proffered a letter asking Break Through School to be named on Learner B’s EHCP.
Evidence can be seen in Learner B’s engagement in all subjects, relationships being fostered with her year group, challenging episodes resolved with restorative justice meetings and attendance increased from 0% to 93.3% currently.
Learner C
This learner struggled with severe anxiety in primary school. Upon joining Break Through School, she would often refuse to enter classrooms and reject academic tasks as she did not have the confidence or belief in her ability to achieve in school. If she attended class, it would be for a very short period as she would be overcome by anxiety and self-exit.
It was normal for her to arrive at school in a heightened emotional state and spend the rest of the day having very little academic engagement. She would often become triggered by innocent, generic comments by other learners that she would become paranoid about and take personally. This would result in her shutting down or swearing at others and almost always exiting the classroom. This would disrupt the learning and dysregulate other learners. She would also refuse to eat at school, having anxiety around eating in front of others.
This learner now attends counselling sessions to support her with her work anxiety and other worries. She has engaged positively with the therapy and is always keen to meet with her counsellor. Since attending counselling, she has also been able to build relationships of trust with staff, becoming more confident in speaking about her feelings and emotions. This has allowed staff to support her with strategies to help her with emotional regulation. She is confident to ask for five-minute breaks when she needs them rather than walking out of class. She has become calmer and less anxious as she has started to develop friendships in her peer group. Her anxiety has reduced to the point that she can alert staff and her family before employing dangerous strategies.
This also means that she is able to engage in learning and remains in class for whole lessons. English is one of her favourite subjects and she enjoys writing and reading in her personal time.
This learner has engaged in Core Skills lessons focusing on resilience; she very much enjoys PSHE and is on track to gain her Mental Health Level 1 qualification as well as her core subjects.
“Staff at Break Through recognise that early life experiences and family background places children at risk and have awareness of the impact of such and how it may manifest through life.”
“I have always enjoyed working with Break Through School. The support they provide to our young people is always inclusive, supportive and enables them to achieve good outcomes.”
“The communication is excellent. Every placement is made with real confidence in the quality and delivery of the provision.”
“The school is always there for support all the time.”
“The teachers have time, patience and understanding of the young people.”
“Lovely school they have helped my daughter greatly.”
“Pupils at Break Through School belong to a true community, one which is inclusive and aspirational for all. Leaders have created a positive and welcoming environment.”
“Ria is fab and so supportive. She makes me feel emotional for what she does for the children and how they respond to her. She knows each child so well.”
“All staff are extremely helpful and go above and beyond.”
“All the staff that have helped support him through the years. Not a negative comment to give. They have helped my son through all the good n hard times and super proud of the young man his become.”