Our Curriculum Offer
Our curriculum is designed to re-engage learners who have struggled in a mainstream context. Giving individualised attention to each young person allows us to create a specialised programme of learning, therapeutic and academic support, maximising the chances of progress. The school aims to foster confidence, resilience and a love of learning through a combination of firm boundaries, accessibility and inclusion.
The curriculum is structured two-fold to support both long and short-term learners. It provides a rich and broad education, starting with meeting the fundamental basic needs and then builds further with coherently planned and sequenced, subject knowledge and skills.
It has clearly defined objectives which prepare all learners for either further education, employment, or reintegration into mainstream education.
Through this varied and differentiated curriculum we aim to improve learner motivation, resilience, attendance and engagement, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in wider life.
Our curriculum gives learners experiences in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical, aesthetic and creative education, and develops young people’s independent learning skills and resilience.
Our curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure that it is broad, balanced and is the best offer for the cohort of learners at any given time.
Classes are divided into Key Stage 3 (years 7-9) and Key Stage 4 (years 10-11). Groups are formed through careful consideration of the personalised needs of each young person, their attainment and progress, and group dynamics.
The core subjects of mathematics, English and computing are supplemented by a range of vocational and other academic subjects, to enable the delivery of a broad, rich curriculum which also supports learners’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Central Curriculum
At Break Through School, we recognise our learners present with past educational trauma and a range of additional needs. To optimise their educational experience, we seek to remove barriers to learning as a matter of priority. Upon arrival, learners’ attention is focused on the Central Curriculum which uses a pastoral and restorative approach within the central curriculum. We nurture strong relationships between staff and learners. Harnessing relationships based on trust and confidence, enables learners to feel that they are in a safe space where they can be vulnerable and begin challenging their misconceptions around education. These processes are wrapped around a programme of numeracy, literacy and other interventions as well as therapies such as Speech & Language and counselling. When we break down the barriers, quality teaching and learning of academic subjects can truly begin.
SEND Provision:
Our SEND provision addresses the core aspects of a learner’s wellbeing to complement their needs as identified through their EHCP. All of our learners have additional needs and the additional support on offer is not exclusive to those with EHCPs. However, we use the section F outcomes to inform our planning and delivery within lessons to ensure that they are receiving targeted lessons that meet their individual needs, where possible. Our timetable reflects our understanding of the learner’s emotional needs and includes transitional times, ready to learn activities, core skills’ sessions to provide interventions as well as cover additional SMSC content. Preparing our learners for life is an ambition that is complemented through our central and academic curriculum offering.
Reading Scheme
At our school, we use Lexia Literacy Software to support learners’ reading.
Lexia’s personalised literacy software for schools is designed to provide teachers with effective and scalable solutions which are simple to use.
Lexia supports learners of all ages and abilities in literacy skills development, and has been proven to be effective in over 20 externally reviewed research studies – including an efficacy study by the Education Endowment Foundation.
Additionally, we run That Reading Thing programme as a systematic phonics scheme. These interventions are designed to support our older learners who struggle to read.
Vocational Pathways and Work Experience
Our aspirational ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ programme ensures our learners have experiences that set them up for independence and help them to realise their talents. This programme is under constant review to ensure it provides our learners with the very best chances for lifelong success. We look forward to shortly be offering additional work experience and independence training opportunities for all Year 11 learners. This will involve interviewing for and attending a placement with an external organisation working within the sector that each learner is specifically interested in.